Do I Have To Pay Back Money I Borrow From My Personal Injury Case?

January 28, 2022

The answer to that question is a typical lawyer response……it depends!  These “loans” that you can take out from these vendors are considered “Non-recourse” loans.  What that means is if you do not recover any money from your Personal Injury case, then these vendors are not allowed to collect from you at all.  However, if…

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How Can I Get Money For Injuries In A "Hit And Run" Accident?

January 28, 2022

You may think you cannot get money for your injuries from a “hit and run” car accident…..you would be wrong!!  Car insurance is very complicated to understand.  However, one of the coverages that will take care of a “hit and run” when you have injuries is called UM protection.  I have spoken about it before…

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Why Do I Need UM On My Auto Insurance Policy?

January 28, 2022

Unfortunately in the State of Florida, there are only two requirements to have an automobile legally registered to drive.  These two requirements are (1) Property Damage and (2) No Fault (i.e. P.I.P. or Personal Injury Protection).  In other words, there is no requirement as of today for Bodily Injury (BI) coverage.  Thus, if you get…

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Is Bodily Injury (BI) Required In Auto Policies In Florida?

January 28, 2022

As of this writing in 2019, the answer is NO!  Believe it or not, Florida does not require a person to have Bodily Injury (BI) coverage for it to be properly insured.  That means that you could get into a horrible accident and not have any coverage to go after from the person that caused…

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