Who Is A Qualified Medical Provider?

January 28, 2022

Hey everybody, Andy here.

I’ve talked ad nauseam in the past about personal injury protection PIP or no fault insurance and all the different wrinkles on a prior video. We talked about the 14 day rule and in order to get that PIP to kick in you have to be seen by a qualified medical provider. 

Believe it or not the statute tells you who is a qualified medical provider. Examples of who are qualified medical providers and make sure you get that PIP insurance coverage in the state of Florida, a couple examples chiropractor, a dentist, going to the emergency room is considered a scenario where PIP will be covered.

What’s probably more interesting are the ones that are not considered providers. An example of that would be physical therapists and massage therapists or acupuncturists. Lots of confusing information, please make sure you see somebody about this stuff.

Hope you found that worthwhile. If so please like comment or subscribe to my YouTube channel and in addition always check out my social media sites which are Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram and Twitter. And finally, always check out askandylegal.com as I always have lots of valuable information on there.

Thanks have a good one

Have You Been Injured Due To The Negligence Of Others?

If you’ve been injured in Florida due to negligence you need to speak to an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Coral Springs office directly at 954.755.7803 to schedule your free consultation. We proudly serve Florida residents including all of Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton Miami-Dade County, Broward County, Palm Beach County and all points in between.

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