Typical Car Accident Settlement Amounts In Florida: What To Expect

July 11, 2022

After a car accident, getting the full compensation you deserve as part of a settlement can make it easier to repair your vehicle and take care of the expensive medical bills associated with any injuries you may have sustained. Just how much compensation can you expect in a car accident settlement?

Types of Car Accidents

Car accidents can occur in a variety of ways, including:

  • Rear-end collisions
  • T-bone collisions
  • Head-on collisions
  • Sideswipe collisions

Vehicle Accidents involving big trucks can prove more catastrophic and cause more serious injury than accidents involving passenger vehicles alone. However, any type of accident can prove deadly or cause severe injury.

What To Do After a Car Accident in Florida

If you get into a car accident in Florida, the steps that you take both immediately after the accident and in the days and weeks that follow can have a substantial impact on your ability to recover the full compensation you may deserve for your car accident injuries. Of course, you should immediately report any accident that involves injuries or significant property damage. Then:

  • Get prompt medical attention for any injuries. Follow the instructions your medical care providers issued, and keep track of your receipts for any medical services rendered.
  • Get a copy of the police report. Check it for accuracy if needed.
  • Contact a lawyer to help with your insurance claim.

Any time you suffer injuries in a car accident, you should have a lawyer on your side rather than property damage alone. A lawyer can help ensure you get the maximum compensation for your injuries.

Factors That Go Into Determining Your Car Accident Settlement Amount

Several factors may determine what compensation you receive after a Florida car accident. Typical car accident settlement amounts can vary dramatically.

The Insurance Policy

Florida drivers must carry a minimum of $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP) insurance and $10,000 in property damage protection. The insurance policy may dictate how much compensation you can recover. Some drivers, however, may carry much larger insurance policies that will provide additional protection in an accident. For example, rideshare drivers, big truck drivers, commercial drivers, and even drivers who drive expensive vehicles may carry higher-value insurance policies to help provide them with the additional protection they may need in the event of an accident. Currently, in Florida, there isn’t a requirement to carry Bodily Injury Insurance protection. Therefore, you should contact your insurance agent to make sure you also carrier Uninsured Motorist (UM) protection to make sure you and your family are protected if you are injured in an automobile accident.

Your Injuries

The more severe your injuries, the more you can expect to obtain compensation following a Florida car accident. In Florida, drivers must carry personal injury protection insurance and car damage liability insurance. PIP insurance helps cover the immediate cost of medical bills after a car accident, less the amount of your deductible. Once you have exceeded the protection offered by your PIP coverage, you may have the right to seek compensation for your injuries through the liable driver’s insurance policy.

Your Financial Losses

Your financial losses, including lost wages and medical costs, will greatly impact the compensation you can expect to recover through an injury claim after a car accident. In addition, you can pursue compensation for the damage to your vehicle. Talk to your attorney about any financial losses you have faced because of your car accident.

How Much of a Car Accident Settlement Will You Typically Receive in Florida?

A typical car accident settlement in Florida depends on the extent of your injuries and the challenges you may have faced along the way. Average compensation usually hovers around $15,000. However, some car accidents can end up worth considerably more. Additionally, the amount of coverage you are able to received for your injuries also depends greatly on the amount of coverage the at fault driver has in Bodily Injury coverage.

A Lawyer Can Help with a Florida Car Accident Settlement Claim

When you suffer injuries in a Florida car accident, an attorney can help guide you through the claim process and provide you with much-needed support as you navigate your claim.

Learn How Much Compensation You Should Expect

Florida car accident settlements can vary dramatically. The insurance company that covers the liable driver may rely on the fact that you do not know how much compensation you should reasonably expect. They may try to push you into accepting a low settlement offer that fails to accurately reflect the financial losses you have sustained. A lawyer can help you determine how much compensation you should really expect.

Get Advice to Maximize Your Compensation

You may be able to do several things that can help increase the odds that you will receive maximum compensation for your injuries. Such as avoiding any potential traps set by the insurance company to keep information about your accident and your activities off social media. A lawyer can help provide comprehensive legal guidance that may help you maximize the compensation you can ultimately recover.

Do you have questions about a car accident claim? Need to know more about how to maximize the compensation you can recover? Contact us as soon as possible to get more information.

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